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2018 Yearly Horoscope Gemini Sign – Mithuna Rashi

Moon sign based 2018 astrology Gemini

Yearly Horoscope 2018 Gemini Sign - Mituna Rashi predictions

Yearly Astrology 2018 Gemini

 At beginning of the year 2018, planet Saturn is in Sagittarius sign (7th house for Gemini sign) and Jupiter is placed in 5th house. 

The year 2018 brings in prosperity and cheer for Gemini sign. There is no particular trouble from the planets as they are favorably placed this year for your moon sign. From the start of this year, the planetary positions are positive for 2018 yearly horoscope for Gemini sign, hence you can welcome this year with enthusiasm.

General Predictions 

As Lord Jupiter is in your 5th House at the start of this year, youngsters will find marital bliss and other celebratory occasions in their life. Some will discover their partners and get married by the end of October this year. Jupiter Transit 2017 in Libra

The Geminis will have good cash flow and economic stability throughout the year. As your 5th and 9th House are in a beneficent position, you will be able to keep up your promises. Particularly, you will repay your debts even before the end date. You will help people whom you had promised.

For people whose marriage had been put off for a number of reasons like family poverty, dependency on your salary or no elders to take up their cause will hear good news by this October. Issueless couples will have a promising year ahead.  Rahu Ketu Transit 2017 to 2019


No problems are seen in your office front. Your employees will adjust themselves to your wishes. Your employers will be supportive of you. Any pending salary hike, promotions will be obtained.

Government employees will have a positive year ahead. Police officials, judiciary, lawyers, government officials will have a favourable year ahead. Especially politicians have a good year filled with promotions and additional work. Saturn transit 2017 nakshatra predictions

You will earn money from travel related jobs. You will take up frequent journeys. Entrepreneurs, businessmen, self-employed relying only on their intelligence and hard-work will have an encouraging year. This is the time for forging ahead towards your goals. Your orders will flow in steadily, Your partners will be supportive and Your income will be steady.


Traders will see their trade prosper. You will have no trouble from competition. Your debts and loans will be under control. Nature will be favorable towards farmers this year. Rains will be come down at the right time. Your crops will be gold. Farmers will have huge benefits this year. Saturn transit 2017 effects

Employees of the entertainment industry, working in television, cinema, journalists, vehicle operators, daily wagers, foreign traders, computer related jobs, teachers will prosper well.

Those who were struggling with low-paying jobs or jobless situation will get a good job with befitting salary. People who could not obtain money for their business will find money in their hands for investing and expanding their business. Griha Pravesh Muhurat Dates 2018

Your income will be satisfactory in all respects. All trade related to overseas will work out in your favour.  Auspicious Vehicle Purchase Dates 2018


Students will travel abroad for higher studies. Those who had applied for a job at overseas will get that work. MNC employees will get to work at their overseas branches for a short period of time.

You will travel to pilgrim sites, holy places that have the blessings and footfall of saints and Rishis. You will obtain the blessings of God. Your quest for spiritual knowledge will also increase. Auspicious Property Purchase Dates 2018

People who had left off worshipping their family deity should immediately get on with the rituals to obtain the blessings of the deity. The ancient sages say that how much ever you may pray to your favourite deities, it is the family deity who comes first to save you.


Your children, who were a source of anxiety to you, will make up for the past mistakes and make you proud. You can furnish their needs without delay. Though your income will be good, you should spend wisely and save always. There will be no shortage of money this year. Auspicious Marriage dates 2018


Women will get to buy ornaments made of gold and diamonds this year. Unmarried girls will get married while married women will get jewelry. Working women will have a successful time ahead. You will earn the respect and admiration of your co-workers.

Obstacles in receiving your ancestral property will vanish. You must adjust with your spouse for marital bliss. Lord Saturn in your 7th House will not bring you any problems. Still, Saturn being Saturn, it is best if you are calm and avoid arguing with your spouse. Do not act in haste and regret later. Auspicious Date 2018 for Medical Treatment

The doubts and low confidence levels assailing you for the past years will vanish. Those living with a state of confusion will feel enthusiasm lifting your spirits. Whatever bad situation you were in, you will not face them again.

Whoever was acting against you will start fearing you. Debt problems will not rise. Though you might have to take up new loans, you will settle old debts. As Lord Jupiter is looking at your moon sign, you will be respected in your society.  

Whatever dreams, plans and ideas you have had in your mind for a long time will be realized this year.

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