Effects of Retrograde Mercury on August 2018

Planet Mercury retrograde during 26th July to 19th August’18: It’s significations and impact on each Ascendant

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Effects of retrograde Mercury for each ascendant

When Mercury enters retrograde, it’s a time of pure astrological panic. Being an inner-planet with a backwards tailspin that only lasts around three weeks, it makes sure to pack a deadly punch in a short amount of time. Since Mercury rules over communication, ability to express ourselves before others, coordination and planning, cognitive function, transportation, and the aspects of our life that allow things to run smoothly. You should be mindful about your planning and execution; it could drag your life into the ground. However, I would like to suggest you some precautionary measures which you should follow during retrogression period of Mercury. You should take precautions and remain patient while it remain retrograde from 26th July’18  to 19th Aug’18 for three weeks in watery and fluctuating sign of Cancer, this period may actually be super cleansing for your overall life.

You should take the following advice to heart and brain. Try to avoid rough and rude conversations with others, you shouldn’t go for time wasting meeting and get together, any unproductive expenses should be remain low, and don’t indulge in any activity which keep you in embarrassment and frustration in near future.

Some of you may think take it lightly this astrological event by thinking that Mercury retrograde is not a big deal, that you can abstain its petty attempts to crush your plans. But, I am suggesting you from my personal experience; you are seems to be on a dangerous path. Effects of retrograde Mars for each ascendant

We shouldn’t ever prepare to scuffle with Mercury during it’s retrogression period. Since Mercury retrograde, you should check advice seriously according to Moon sign, because you will have to need all the suggestions which I am going to writing Moon sign wise.

Aries Ascendant:

You should give proper importance to finish important tasks over fun and pleasure. Be careful about who you have spent some very intimate moments with. I won’t suggest you to participating in risky games like paragliding, diving, trekking and adventuring activity and keep yourself away from heavy partying.  You may have to regret your Epicureanism later. Take professional decisions very carefully. Incidents don’t happen as per our expectations so we should also get ready with plan B. Jupiter transit 2018 – Aries sign

Taurus Ascendant:

During retrogression period of Mercury you should try to avoid conflicts with your family; ignore others mistake and don’t make issue of them. If you feel like rebelling against traditions and customs, this is not a suitable time to acting like angry young man. You should try to wait until Mercury’s retrogression period get over before causing a commotion. This is not a good time to make any drastic decisions in your home life, such as redecorating or moving to a new house or place.

Gemini Ascendant:

Don’t give your opinion until you not get invitation to give your advice on a particular topic. You should deliver very balance opinions. You tongue may create problems for you; so think twice before you speak. I would recommend you to communicate with integrity and honesty and avoid indulge in lying and gossiping. Remember to double check everything before hitting “send.” Practice patience and restraint during tense conversations.

Cancer Ascendant:

Think ten times before making any serious financial commitments. If you really have to do such commitments, reserve a lot of time to weigh the pros and cons of the decision. Don’t spend money in unproductive reasons; you should keep your spending to a minimum level. I also warn you not to try to borrow money to fulfil your needs, if you’re in financial crunch. Don’t indulge in arguments with others especially with your spouse. It may ruin your marital happiness.  Venus Mars conjunction Vedic Astrology

Leo Ascendant:

You control your ego otherwise it will drift you inside it. There is big deference between self respect and ego and you should know it. This period will try to teach you that your behaviour could land you in sticky situations, if you won’t reform. Try to avoid unfruitful journey; it will be only wastage of time nothing else. You should try to practice humility and self-awareness and try to turn enlighten your inner soul. It will help you to enhance your confidence inward and outward both side. Mercury in different houses vedic astrology

Virgo Ascendant:

You should be fearless while speaking up. Too much restraint will cause everyone to walk all over you. You should try to be patient and mindful with your statements, Silence is best answer and you should speak only when it’s very important. Your words are your arms you should use them wisely. Drift too far into your own world will make you stuck. Some strange things may happen during this period in your professional life.

Libra Ascendant:

You should think twice before taking your career related decisions. You may get entangled in conspiracy and may feel yourself trapped. Take care about who you spend your time with; I would strongly recommend you to wait until Mercury’s retrogression period is over before making serious commitments. One more thing I want to indicate that you should also avoid conflicts with your existing friends and community and your shouldn’t allow others to peer pressure on you. Spouse may remain hyper and it may cause of marital disharmony.

Scorpio Ascendant:

I won’t advice you to make any major changes in profession, like quitting existing job, accepting a job offer from a new company, or changing your university or college. If you absolutely have to do anyone of those, make sure you read all the terms & conditions carefully and consider all the pros and cons before initiating your steps. You may get cheated. Losses and injuries may occur. Improve your communication skills and try to learn things become in your favour. Effects of the Antardashas in the Mahdasha of Mercury

Sagittarius Ascendant:

Take care of your health, you may get injured. Try to avoid long-distance travel. In case if travel is very necessary then you must make plan for it prior initiating journey. Your speaking level should be polite. Leave lofty and ambitious prospects should be inside the box. You should postpone all your important decisions until retrogression period of Mercury get over. Relations with spouse may be in turmoil. Astrology reasons for delay in marriage or break up in marriage

Capricorn Ascendant:

You get hyper during this period as so many secrets will open before you during retrogression period of Mercury. You should not investigate into things which may hurt your feelings and emotions. Best remedy for you is to ignore things during this period. You may get so much pain in relations. Not to ignore your health, else you will fall ill. You will have to learn how to control on your emotions and don’t let others know what is inside you.

Aquarius Ascendant:

You should not start a new project or implement any idea until retrogression period of Mercury get over. Same advice is for entering in new relationships with someone else. Try to avoid delivering rude conversations with your colleagues, partners in your workplace as well as with your friends, family members in your personal life. Be materialistic and mindful while making relationship-based decisions. Think twice before making new investments. This period will teach you a new life lesson and you will get ability to differentiate between friends. Cancellation of Manglik or Kuja Dosha and Pariharas or Remedies

Pisces Ascendant:

You should try to put maximum efforts to stay organized. I won’t advice you to be in so hurry and displeasing, if it is, you may lose important opportunities or may forget crucial information. You should try to avoid eating unhealthy and junk food otherwise you may fall ill and feel weakness in your body. I would strongly recommend you finish existing projects rather than beginning new ones. You should try to keep healthy relations with your siblings and have polite communication.

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