Planet aspects in Vedic Astrology

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Planet aspects in Vedic Astrology

Planets aspect other planets, rasis and houses in astrology. A planet aspecting a
house or a planet has some influence on the matters signified by that house or planet.
The nature of the influence exerted and the degree to which that influence succeeds
depends on the individual situation.
There are 2 kinds of aspects: (1) graha drishti and (2) rasi drishti. Drishti means
aspect. Each planet aspects certain houses from it with graha drishti (planetary
aspect). The houses aspected are fixed based on the planet. In addition, rasis aspect
each other and a planet aspects the rasis aspected by the rasi occupied by it. This is
called rasi drishti (sign aspect).

Graha Aspects | Planet Aspects

All planets aspect the 7th house from them. For example, Sun in Ta aspects Sc. Mars
in Ge aspects Sg. Moon in Le aspects Aq. Jupiter in Pi aspects Vi. Saturn in Cp
aspects Cn. Find the 7th house from the planet and the planet aspects that house.

Special aspects of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

In addition, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects:

• Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th houses from him, in addition to the 7th house.
• Mars aspects the 4th and 8th houses from him, in addition to the 7th house.
• Saturn aspects the 3rd and 10th houses from him, in addition to the 7th house.
We can decide the signs and houses aspected by a planet as above. If any planet
occupies the aspected houses, then the planet is also aspected. For example, Jupiter
in Ta will aspect Saturn in Cp, because Cp is the 9th house from Ta and Jupiter
aspects the 9th from him. Planets in Different houses – Venus in 3rd house

Rasi Drishti | Aspect Rules

Rasis aspect other rasis based on the following rules:
• A movable rasi aspects all fixed rasis except the one adjacent to it.
• A fixed rasi aspects all movable rasis except the one adjacent to it.
• A dual rasi aspects all other dual rasis.
For example, Ar is a movable sign. It aspects all the fixed signs except the one
adjacent to it, i.e. Ta. So Ar aspects Le, Sc and Aq.
Ta is a fixed sign. It aspects all the movable signs except the one adjacent to it, i.e.
Ar. So Ta aspects Cn, Li and Cp.
Ge is a dual sign. It aspects all other dual signs. So Ge aspects Vi, Sg and Pi.

Figure 2: Rasi Aspects

Rasi Aspects  in vedic astrology
Planet aspects in Vedic Astrology

It may be noted that sign Y will aspect sign X if sign X aspects sign Y. A visual
representation of rasi aspects is given in Figure 2. A line is drawn between every pair
of signs that aspect each other. A planet aspects the signs aspected by the sign it
occupies. It also aspects the houses and planets in those signs. This aspect is called

rasi drishti (sign aspect). For example, a planet in Libra will aspect the houses and
planets in Aq, Ta and Le.

Also Read about  Planet aspects in Vedic Astrology

Graha Drishti vs Rasi Drishti

A simple analogy will make things clearer. Look at planets as people. Let us take a
priest as an example. Will he have some influence on his neighbors? Probably.
Because he lives there, gets up early in the morning and recites mantras, it may
influence his neighbors also. Because of the houses they live in, his neighbors come
under his influence. How pious and god-fearing his influence makes his neighbors
depends on other factors. If one of the neighbors is a dreaded criminal, he is not
going to be influenced. Divisional Chart | An Introduction to Divisional Charts – Vedic Astrology

Let us take a dreaded criminal as another example. He may also have an influence on
his neighbors. Youngsters living in the neighboring houses may enter the criminal
world because of him. Ladies in the neighboring houses may stay inside their houses
at night and not come out after certain time. Sun in Vedic Astrology – Vedic Astrology Lessons

Thus we are influenced by people in neighboring houses. Influence exerted by
planets by rasi drishti is similar to this influence.

Compared to this limited influence on the neighbors, a priest may have greater
influence in the matters of the nearby temple where he works. He may have a lot of
influence on devotees who come to visit the temple and who approach him for
performing poojas, homas etc. Influence exerted with graha drishti is similar to this

Rasi Drishti | Rasi Aspects

Influence exerted by rasi drishti is due to the sign a planet is in. This is analogous to
the influence people exert on their neighbors. All planets in a sign will have rasi
drishti on the same signs, just as people living in the same house see the same
neighbors everyday and exert some influence over the same neighbors. But the
influence they exert may differ. A priest may tell his neighbors to pray to God. His
movie-loving brother living in the same house may talk the same neighbors into

watching all the movies of a particular actress. Thus, planets in the same sign exert
influence on the same houses and planets through rasi drishti, but the nature of the
influence varies from planet to planet. Divisional Chart | An Introduction to Divisional Charts Vedic Astrology – Part 2

Graha Drishti | Graha Aspects

Influence exerted by graha drishti is due to the inherent nature of a planet. Different
planets in the same sign may aspect different houses and planets with graha drishti.
A priest may have great influence over the devotees at the temple he works at and his
movie-loving brother living in the same house may have great influence over his
movie-loving classmates and co-members of the fan club of an actress, of which he
is president. Similarly, planets in the same sign may influence planets in different
houses. However, everyone in a house may have a strong influence over friends of
the family who visit the house frequently. Similarly, all planets aspect the 7th house
from them and have an influence over it.

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Assessment of houses in Vedic Astrology

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