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Saturn Transit 2017 – 2020 for Gemini (Sani Peyarchi Palan 2017 for Mithuna Rasi)

Saturn Transit to Sagittarius 2017 Prediction for Gemini| Sani Peyarchi Palan 2017 for Mithuna Rasi

Saturn Transit 2017 – 2020 for Gemini Sign – Sani Peyarchi Palangal 2017 for Mithuna Rasi

Saturn transit from Scorpio to Sagittarius on 26th January 2017. Saturn leaves your 6th house and will be in 7th house till next transit (till 24th January 2020).  From the 7th house, Saturn aspects your 9th, 1st, and 4th house.

Saturn Transit 2017 effects on Gemini: This transition period of 3 years will not see much change in your fortunes – the unnecessary traveling, expenses, and heartbreaks, illnesses will still follow you, but in a subdued manner. Whatever the planets might inflict on anyone, always remember that thinking through the issue at hand and your positive outlook is the most important things in life.

The planet Saturn is the Lord of your 8th and 9th House, but his presence in the 7th House will have an only moderate effect. The presence of Jupiter in your House will see you’re going for pilgrimages, foreign travel, though you might face some obstacles. You will receive the blessings of God and any difficulties in undertaking your trips will be overcome. Though Lord Saturn is the Lord of your 8th House, his favorable gaze on your 7th House will spell sudden good luck and favors handed out to you.

This is because, though Saturn is the Lord of the 8th House which generally comes with some misfortune, He is also the Lord of your 9th House, which is associated with good fortune. His favorable gaze at these positions will shower you with the benevolence of the Almighty.

Your name and fame will increase in the society.  You will see better money inflow and your flair with words will grow. Whatever money you had lend earlier will find its way back to your hands; either in full force or gradually. Your interest and enthusiasm for learning new things will increase. You will always be active and your thinking prowess also gets higher.

Whatever problems you might have faced in your family will melt away, and your relations will all come together with happiness. You can see good cash inflow. Your siblings will support you and show their love.  Pointless fights and troubles will now leave you alone.

Your self-esteem and passion will rise.  Whenever any problem comes up, the ever loving God will send someone to help you out. You will get your mother’s love and goodwill. You might sell off old properties and buy new ones, vehicles, household gadgets. Chances for higher studies at abroad can be seen.

Any good festivities that were discontinued midway or disrupted earlier will see their propitious revival.

Childless couples will be blessed with children. Your interest in romance will flare up and might end in marriage. You will participate in many parties and celebrations. But be careful and do not sign any guarantee for loans and bails. Do not interfere in other’s business.

The unemployed will gain new job opportunities. But the situation may not be up to your satisfaction.  Try to adjust to your workplace and do not resign from any job in haste. Try to reign in your loans and don’t try to get new loans. Your employees and your uncles will be beneficial to you. Be careful while dealing with pets. Try to maintain a strict, timely diet and avoid oily foods for your health.  Try to avoid holding prolonged fasting and take your meals in time. Any marriages that were stopped earlier will now take place. 

Though your troubles with the judiciary regarding the government will keep dragging, the victory is yours in the end. Your time indicates that you might get into needless loans and payments. It is better if you partner with someone for your own business. Take care of your father’s health. Business will be rather a dull patch, so be careful when starting your own setup.

Change of location due to your job is indicated for some. Though your work burden increases, your pay, and promotions will also rise. Be careful in dealing with your co-workers. Your employers will not be very supportive. Your friends will help you in need. Your enemies will keep working on one thing or the other to your disadvantage, so be wary.

As Mars is the Lord of your 4th House, you will keep changing jobs. But it will best if you keep that to a minimum.  Career prospects for the unemployed will be good. You might have to take repeated leave of absence at work. Kindly try to remember your responsibilities at work and refrain from frequent nonattendance.  Be committed to your job, though it might be unsatisfactory; Show in your hard work, diligence and enthusiasm for the job at hand. It will stand you ensure stead. Turning in your work in time will earn the respect of your employees resulting in pay rise and promotion.  Do not interfere in the problems of others. You might have to travel abroad for work purposes.

Based on your current Dasa and Bhukti(Subperiod) the effect of this Saturn transit for Gemini sign will change.

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