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Rahu in different houses vedic astrology

Rahu in different houses vedic astrology

This article explains about effect of planet Rahu in various houses in vedic astrology.

Rahu in 1st houses vedic astrology:

When Rahu is in the occupaton of the 1st house at birth, the native will be shortlived, wealthy and strong and suffer from diseases in the higher limbs (Face, head etc.).

Rahu in different houses vedic astrology

Rahu in 2nd houses vedic astrology:

person who has Rahu in the 2nd house at birth, will be insincere in speech and his words will carry double meaning. He will suffer from disease of the mouth or the face. He will be tender hearted and will receive wealth through the beneficence of the king. He will be of an angry disposition and happy.

Rahu in 3rd houses vedic astrology:

When Rahu is in the 3rd house at birth, the native will be proud, inimical towards his co-born, wealthy, long-lived and strong-willed.

Rahu in 4th houses vedic astrology:

With Rahu in the 4th house at birth, the native will have a short span of life and will be seldom happy.

Rahu in 5th houses vedic astrology:

When Rahu occupies the 5th house at birth, the native will have nasal touch in his speech. He will be childless, hard hearted and will suffer from pain in the stomach.

Rahu in 6th houses vedic astrology:

Should Rahu occupy the 6th house at birth, the native will be troubled by the enemies and will be oppressed by malefic planets. He will be wealthy and long-lived and will suffer from ulcer in the anus.

Rahu in 7th houses vedic astrology:

Rahu in the 7th house at birth makes the person concerned independent, but without intelligence. He squanders away his money by associating with women. He will become a widower and also impotent.

Rahu in 8th houses vedic astrology:

If Rahu be posited in the 8th house the native will become miserable, will suffer from rheumatism, will have few children and will indulge in impure actions.

Rahu in 9th houses vedic astrology:

If Rahu occupies the 9th house at birth, the native will be harsh in speech and will indulge in unrighteous actions but he will become head of a clan, city or a village.

Rahu in 10th houses vedic astrology:

If Rahu be in the 10th house, the person born will have a limited number of issues, engaged in working for others, will not perform any rightful deeds, will be fearless and famous.

Rahu in 11th houses vedic astrology:

With Rahu occupying the 11th house at birth, the native will be wealthy and long-lived, will have a limited number of issues, and will suffer from some disease of the ear.

Rahu in 12th houses vedic astrology:

Rahu in the 12th house at birth makes a man squanderer of money, will indulge in sinful deeds and suffer from diseases like dropsy etc.

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