Definitions and Characteristic of the Planets – Part1

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Before we come to the verses of this chapter it is necessary to explain its objects. In the previous chapter it has been described what each house stands for. It is proposed to state in this chapter what purpose and what object each planet signifies.

If a house stands for a certain subject matter, the lord of the house will also be considered to be concerned with it. For example, the 6th house deals with enemies. Naturally the same subject will have to be examined from the lord of the 6th house. This is so because of his lordship of the 6th house. Here we have to consider also the natural or inherent characteristics and functions of that planet. Let us suppose that in ten birth charts, the Sun is lord of the ten different houses. There is doubt that as lord of the Ascendant Sun will function in that capacity and as lord of the 2nd. he will be concerned with wealth; but he will also, in course of its effects, will produce results of his inherent qualities and characteristics. This is what is intended to be explained in this chapter.

1. The Sun is the singnificator of the person’s collection of copper and gold, and of father, patience, valour, victory in war, one’s soul (Atman), auspiciousness, happiness, prowess, power, light, any work relating to Lord Shiva, travels in forests and mountains, havans or yajnas, Inclinations for work, temple, acuteness, enthusiasm. Wise men should act according to these significations.

2. The Moon is the signiflcator of the welfare of the mother, tranquilityof the mind, bathing in the sea, white chamar, umbrella, good fan, fruits, flowers, tender objects, farming grains, fame, pearls, silver, bell metal, beauty. In other words all about the above matters should be ascertained from the Moon.

3. All about one’s strength (physical and mental), products produced from the earth, qualities of the brothers and sisters, cruelty, battle, courage, antagonism, the fire of the kitchen, gold, kinsmen, weapons, thieves, enemies, enthusiasm, sexual intercourse with another man’s wife, falsehood, prowess, high thinking, sin, wounds, and acquisition of the position of a commander-in-chief should be ascertained from Mars.

In other words Mars is the signiflcator of these matters.

4. From Mercury is to be ascertained all about learning, eloquence, proficiency in arts, praise by learned people, maternal uncle, dexterity in speech,

aptness for acquiring knowledge, expertise in ways of worship, intelligence, religious acts relating to Lord Shiva, truthfulness, oyster, spots of recreation and enjoyment, skill in mechanical arts, kinsmen, heir apparent, friends, sister’s sons and daughters etc.

5. Jupiter is concerned with matters relating to knowledge, noble qualities, sons (progeny), minister, good behavior, imparting knowledge or teaching,

magnanimity, knowledge of shruties, shastras, smrities, progress in every direction, beautitude, devotion towards gods and Brahmins, sacrifice, penance, religious faith, treasury, mastering the senses, honour, kindness and happiness of the husband.

Note — In a female’s horoscope Jupiter should be taken as the significator of the husband. In a male’s horoscope Jupiter, among other matters, is the significator for progeny (San tan Karaka).

6. All about one’s wealth, conveyances, clothes, ornaments, treasures (including hidden treasures), amalgam of song, dance and instrumental music,

scents, flowers, co-habitation, bed, house, richness, fondness for poetry, Indulgence in all kinds of comforts and luxuries, ministership, soft-spokenness, marriage and other holy deeds, celebrations, etc., should be ascertained through Venus.


   Note — In a male’s horoscope all about the happiness of wife and marital happiness should be considered through Venus. Venus is the significator for wife in such a chart.

Significator is of very great importance in assessing a birth chart. For example on a particular case of Aquarius Ascendant, the native was of about 22

years with the Dasa of Venus in operation. Some astrologers predicted that the marriage of the native would take place in his 24th years after the commencement of the Dasa of the Sun lord of the 7th house. The marriage actually took place in the Dasa of Venus.

7. The significations of Saturn are longevity, death, fear, downfall, disgrace, sickness, unhappiness and misery, poverty, humiliation, sins, labour, filth, censure, misfortune, impurity of mind, observance of certain formalities after death in the family, stability, taking shelter from menials, buffaloe, drowsiness, debts, articles of iron, service, slavery, confinement, getting arrested, agricultural implements etc.

    Notes — In verses 8 to 14 we shall deal with the features and temperament of the planets and their utility in the judgement of a birth chart. A planet in the Ascendant of a nativity bestows his qualities and characteristics to the native.

If in a person’s chart Mars is in the Ascendant, the native will have an aggressive temperament. He will be courageous and fond of quarrels and fights. The sign in which Mars is posited in the Ascendant will also have its influence.

If a Mars with strength is in the Ascendant, the native will fight wars with valour as a commander.

If such Mars is weak, the native is likely to pick up petty and mean type of quarrels. If there is no planet in the Ascendant the native assumes the appearance and characteristics of the lord of the Ascendant. The planets who aspect the Ascendant also inject the Influence of their characteristics and temperament in the native. If a planet in any chart becomes the cause of any disease, the nature of the disease will be according to the temperament of that planet. For example, the Sun will cause bilious troubles and Saturn will give windy troubles.

8. The temperament of the Sun is bilious. He has strong bones in his body. He has scanty hair. He has a dark red form. His eyes are of reddish-brown color.

He is dressed in red colored clothes. His body is square built. He is brave and possesses massive arms.

9. The body of the Moon is huge. She is young as well as old. She is lean and thin and white. Her eyes are attractive and her hair is black and thin. She has jurisdiction over blood. She is soft-spoken. She is dressed in white colored clothes and possesses fair complexion. She is mild in temperament and has wind and phlegm in her composition.

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