Effects of conjunction of two planets – Part 2

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Aspects of conjunction of two planets

12. When at birth me Moon be in the navamsa of Mars and be aspected by

the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively

become (1) a watchman, (2) one fond of killing, (3) one skilled in fighting, (4) a

king, (5) wealthy and (6) quarrelsome.

When at birth the Moon be in the navamsa of Venus and be aspected by the

Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person concerned will

respectivery become (1) stupid, (2) one addicted to other people’s wives (3) a

talented poet, (4) a talented composer of poems, (5) one engaged in collecting

articles of comforts and luxury, (6) one having illicit connections with women.

13. If at birth the Moon be occupying the navamsa of Mercury and be

aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person

concerned will respectivery become (1) an actor, (2) a thief, (3) a poet (4) a

minister, (5) one versed in singing and (6) skilled in arts.

If the Moon at birth he posited in his own navamsa and be aspected by the

Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person concerned will

respectivery become (1) short statured, (2) greedy (3) one who practises penance,

(4) one who occupies a high position (5) one who works as a subordinate to a

woman, (6) one who keeps himself engaged in his work.

14. If at birth the Moon occupies the navamsa of the Sun and be aspected by

the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person will respectivery

become (1) angry, (2) a favourite of the king, (3) owner of a treasure (wealthy), (4)

a holder of a high position, (5) childless, (6) violent and cruel.

If at birth, the Moon occupies the navamsa of Jupiter and be aspected by the

Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn the person will respectively become

(1) renowned for his strength and power. (2) commander, (3) witty, (4) minister (5)

free from lust, (6) possessing habits and, nature of old and aged persdns (another

interpretion of the words (…) has been made as Virtuously disposed.

15. When the Moon occupies the navamsa of Saturn and be aspected by the

Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person born will respectively

become (1) possessor of limited progeny, (2) unhappy, (3) arrogant, (4) involved in

his own work, (5) favourite of a wicked woman and (6) angry.

In the same manner should be predicted the effects resulting from the Sun in

the several navamsas being aspected by the Moon and other planets.

16. What has been declared in verses 12-15 as effects of navamsa due to the

Moon being posited in the navamsas of the Sun and other planets, should be

understood to be the effects derived from the navamsa division. The effects that

have been mentioned as resulting from the Moon in the several signs being

aspected by the different planets should be applicable in the case of Dwadasamsa


17. The good effects declared above will be full or medium or little

according as the Moon occupies a Vargottama position, his own navamsa or the

navamsa of another planet. In the case of bad effects it will be the reverse. Again, if

the lord of navamsa occupied by the Moon be strong, the effects described for the

Moon in several signs and aspected by the several planets will be multiplied and

only their effects due to the Moon occupying the particular navamsa subject to the

particular planetary aspect will come to pass.



Tagged with: Effects of conjunction of two planets, conjunction of two planets in vedic astrology, conjunction of planets in different houses, Results of Union of two planets in Vedic Astrology, How a conjunction works in Vedic Astrology, Conjunction of Planets, Aspects of conjunction of two planets , Planetary aspects

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